Sunday, June 17, 2007

Golly Jeepers!


Excuse me for a moment, I've just recieved my best piece of news of the decade.

Namely, the announcement that original punk-survivor, reluctant inventor of Goth culture, all round good egg and my own personal hero, Siouxsie Sioux, will be releasing her first solo album in September. This is going to be momentous - the flagship single "Into a Swan" lands in August sometime, most likely when I'm in France (her adoped homeland, no less). I'm crossing my fingers, toes, eyes and all internal organs in hope of a world tour.

Watch this space...


Damien Kelly said...

Why is the inventor of Goth culture one of your heroes????

You know what, now I want my sweatband back!!


You still haven't got back to me about rosebud either! :(:(

Catherine said...

"Reluctant" inventor. She was rocking the black eyeliner and hairspray years before it was adopted by the Marilyn Manson brigade and her music is nothing like, say, Evanescene or anyone shit like that. Don't worry, she later scorned the term. ;) I might do a post about the band, if I can muster up the will. They're my alltime favourites. Trust me!

There was nothing much to get back on!